Managing Invoice Due Dates

When invoicing with TransMaS, we automatically set a 30 day from date of invoice as the due date on all invoices.

Your account will have a default set for all accounts, but this can be overridden on a per customer basis as you require. This cannot be retrospectively applied. Once an invoice is generated, the due date is fixed.


Some of the common due dates are shown below

Default Date In the date field In the date type select
30 days from date of invoice 30 days after invoice date
30 days net from date of invoice 30 days after invoice month
End of the month 0 days after invoice month
End of the following month 31

of the following month

(when a month has less than 31 days the last day of the month will be used)

Set Due date company wide

By default, all TransMaS accounts have a 30 day from date of invoice payment term set unless we are instructed otherwise. If you require a different default company wide please email us at to have this changed.

Set Due date on a customer

Follow these steps to set up a default due date for an individual customer account. TransMaS will then calculate using this each time you create an invoice.

  1. Navigate to Settings in the main menu
  2. Select Customers
  3. Locate the customer you would like to change, and click on the view icon
  4. Select the Invoicing tab on the left
  5. At the top right enter your Payment Terms
  6. Click Update

Tip: To set a company due date back to defaults, clear the payment terms number, and select Default for the type

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