Updating an Order via the API

API Docs: https://server.transmas.net/api

Once an order is created you will be provided with a Pending Order ID. This should be tracked throughout your order flow to ensure updates to the order can be completed.

Order updates are completed by a PATCH request using the ID mentioned above as the key of the URL.

If the order has not yet been accepted, the pending order will be replaced with the new updates.

If the order was already accepted, a pending update will be created for the end user, this will allow them to accept or reject the changes.

Updates are applied by a series of key/value pairs, these must match the list below to be accepted, the value should always be provided in the same format as the create order request segments.

Update Field Keys

Order Updates

  • notes (String)
  • tags (Array)
  • reference (String)
  • po_number (String)
  • customer (QueryField)
  • order_type (QueryField)
  • service_level (QueryField)

Consignment Updates - Collection/Delivery

  • con_{key}_collection_location (InputLocationDTO)
  • con_{key}_collection_date (Must include start and end keys)
  • con_{key}_collection_reference (String)
  • con_{key}_collection_notes (String)
  • con_{key}_delivery_location (InputLocationDTO)
  • con_{key}_delivery_date (Must include start and end keys)
  • con_{key}_delivery_reference (String)
  • con_{key}_delivery_notes (String)

Consignment Updates - Pricing

  • con_{key}_pricing_mode (String)
  • con_{key}_pricing_value (int)

Consignment Updates - Cargo

When updating cargo, you must send ALL cargo records with each request

  • con_{key}_cargo (NewConsignmentCargoDTO list)

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