Using Order Rate Types
Within TransMaS you have different rates you can use on any order. These are:
- Trip Rate
- CPT (Cost Per Ton)
- CPT - Capped
- CPT - Minimum
- CPT - Collection
Setting Default Rates
Your TransMaS account can be given a default rate type for all orders, this will set the dropdown when entering any new orders to the default type (by default this is Trip Rate). If you would like this changing please contact support.
Within the customer profile, you can also set a default rate type per customer, this will update on the order create screen once you enter the customer name and can be different for each customer account.
What do they mean?
Each one of these rates will calculate the order total for you. These do them in different ways. Below is an explanation of what each one does.
Trip Rate
Trip rate is the total cost for the entire order. You can put in the total and it will stay at that cost. If you put an order on for £100 then that will be the charge regardless of how much you are delivering or how far you go.
CPT (Cost Per Ton)
Cost per ton will calculate the quantity you have delivered and multiply it by the rate and give you a total. For example if your consignment rate is £5 and you have a delivered quantity of 25. The total will be £125.00.
When using any of the CPT rates, the ordered quantity will be used as a placeholder until the delivered quantity is entered when it will be updated.
CPT - Capped
CPT Capped will go on the lowest amount of product ordered. So for example, if a customer orders 25 of one type of product but 27 are delivered then only 25 is charged for.
CPT - Minimum
This is the opposite of capped. This will have a minimum order total. Once again if 25 is the ordered quantity but only 23 is delivered then 25 is charged.
CPT - Collection
Unlike the previous CPT rate types, this will charge the customer based on the collection quantity entered rather than the delivered quantity.