Using the driver roster

The driver roster is full of useful features and is a combination of all of the data about your fleet in one easy to use screen. It has lots of features that may not be obvious at first but let us talk you through them one by one.

Where is it?

To navigate to the driver roster screen, you will need the Scheduling Viewer permission. Then click Scheduling at the top right of your screen, followed by Driver Roster.

What is it for?

The driver roster brings together all of your information in one easy to use screen, showing driver absences, overtime shifts and shift patterns.

In addition it has some extract features including driver notes, driver availability and more that we will go through below.

Driver Shifts

TransMaS has the capability of recording shift patterns for your driver. Once created and assigned to a driver, the roster will show you when your drivers are on shift, with a green bar signifying a day shift, and a blue bar showing a night shift. You can change the drivers shift pattern from within their profile.

Clicking on an active shift day with an existing load will automatically show you the drivers work for the day.


In addition to the standard shift pattern of a driver, you may choose to bring somebody in on overtime. The roster will show you when this has happened by showing you a yellow bar in place of a normal shift. Provided you have a load active in the scheduler this will be fully automatic.

Driver Absences

On top of the day to day shifts of a driver, we also show the driver absences recorded in the system. Drivers who are off work will not automatically generate shifts through the roster system, so you only see the drivers who are available to work. 

Absences will be shown with a grey background and an initial for their reason, hovering over will show you the full reason.

Driver Availability

Hidden away on the roster is a right click option on each day. Opening the menu allows you to mark a driver as available or unavailable. This allows you to record who is available on a given day, for example bank holidays or weekends, before you even allocate any work.

While this doesn't automatically create a load (just because they are available doesn't mean you will work them), it will provide you with an easy to see view of all available drivers. 

Available drivers will show a yellow box, while unavailable drivers will show in a red box for the day.

You can also from this menu record any notes for the driver shift, these will automatically be added to the drivers load when it is generated.

Daily Totals

At the very bottom of the table, is a list of totals for easy reference. Including (in order) day shifts, night shifts and absences.

The final row then shows the count of drivers you have marked available.

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