January 2025 Update Log
- New Screen: Daily Planner view (Available under the scheduling option)
- Scheduler update to reflect walkaround check status compliance (Full Article here)
- Integrations for Gearbox and TDi vehicle-check added
- Fix: Updated bulk orders table display UI
- Added date to open orders title bar
- Optimised the order search screen
- Added additional search options:
- Enter ? in any reference field to use as reference not empty
- Additional date options including a date range picker
- Added a document extract results option
- Fix: Resolved missing "added by" field in csv extract
- Fix: Added additional permission checks when adding orders
- Fix: When importing CPT orders they now calculate the initial rate
- Fix: Integration orders weren't updating the document reference in quick search
- Fix: Removed the space in extract when product subname was not set
- Fix: Resolved issue when deleting first item it would not prompt with the next
- Fix: Resolved issue with deleting a document folder
- Optimised invoice creation for larger quantity of orders
- Display refresh/update on self bill full view
- Fix: Resolved issue with extract invoicing not hiding the loader
- Fix: Resolved an issue where orders weren't being marked as invoiced from a self bill
- Driver pins will now automatically be generated (and emailed) on driver creation
- Resolved bug preventing updates from vehicle-check scheduler
- Added customer notes option for display on document scans
- Fix: Fixed customer delay duration not being saved
- Fix: Resolved bug resulting in some instance of invalid geocoding of new locations
Misc/Minor updates
- Added What3Words to the Transmas lite app
- New Report: New subcontract P+L Matrix report
- Updated servers to newer versions of our framework and core
- Security and general version updates to many of our dependencies
- We have received over 300 pages rewritten into our new framework
- Removed legacy connection to TDi internal databases
- Begun refactoring integrations from 3rd parties
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